Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Information Technology in Healthcare and Retail Business

Question: Discuss about the Information Technology in Healthcare and Retail Business. Answer: Introduction Every Business perspective needs technical support for managing the effective working culture within it. In contrast with this fact, any kind of business structure involves the need for information technology within it. Information technology plays a great role in solving many issues within the organizational structure as well as it can improvise it in various way. This report is considering the business perspective of Healthcare sector in order to evaluate the impact of information system and information technology within ARV (Icarehealth.com.au 2017). In addition to this, there are various implementation of IT within the healthcare sector that are considered in this report as well as elaborated. Need of IT in Healthcare Sector There are various specific needs of healthcare sector that can only be fulfilled with the help of Information Technology and Information system implementation (Bilbao-Osorio et al. 2013). These concerned needs are being elaborated in this part of the assignment. These are elaborated as follows: Patient data management: Retails sector always deals with various kinds of data involved within the system architecture of the healthcare organization (Borghoff and Pareschi 2013). All of these data needs to be managed in order to grab patients satisfaction and other competitive segment management with respect to patients demands. Information technology is the only possible option that helps to manage the patient data. Tracking and transparency management for managing patients data: Tracking of elements as well as the data are managed with the help of information technology. The healthcare sector if uses the internet for various activities then the transmitted data needs to be secured in order to avoid difficulties (Button et al. 2014). This is implemented with the help of information technology. Globally data synchronization: Globally data synchronization activities are also managed with the help of information technology. Information technology easily combines various databases of patients from all over the world. Security maintenance: This is another aspect that is very important to be managed with the help of Information Technology within the healthcare sector (Byrne et al. 2013). Various data related to healthcare organization or patient needs to be secured with respect to threats. Importance of IT for Survival of Healthcare Sector Various aspects needed to be managed for improvising healthcare sector. Proper maintenance of these factors is helpful to the healthcare organization to be survived into the target market in the competitive long run. These importance aspects for survival of healthcare sector are being elaborated in this part of the report: Decision Making: There are advancements that are used for decision-making perspectives for healthcare. The information technology is helpful in providing information about decision making to make healthcare sector sustainable. CRM dynamics, big data analytics etc are the example of decision making information technology. Growth analysis: Growth analysis is another important aspect to be concerned about in order to make healthcare sector sustainable (Dahlstrom et al. 2013). Information technology has invented so many options that help to manage these functionalities. These are search engine optimization, smart phone app advertising. All of these aspects help the patients in being connected with the physicians. Relationship management among patients: Relationship management is another important aspect to be monitored within the healthcare sector in order to provide the system support to the physicians as well as patients (Davenport 2013). CRM system is another advancement of the information technology that helps to manage the customer relationships among different Healthcare sector. Automotive care providence: This is one of the most effective aspects to be noted in case of healthcare survival (Kellermann and Jones 2013). The patients are benefited for the use of information technology in this sector. Important aspects related IT needed to be considered within ARV Various important aspects are important to be incorporated within the healthcare sector in order to implement or incorporate information technology within it. These are described as follows: Cost: Information technology or information system implementation incorporates various critical technical measures or hardware and software implementation within ARV that incorporates huge amount of expenditure (Icarehealth.com.au 2017). Therefore, the healthcare sector must be ready for these excessive costs. Planning: Strategic planning is very important to incorporate information technology within the system architecture of ARV in order to mandate and maintain IPS system architecture. Figure 1: Aspects needed to be considered within ARV for IT (Source: Lloyd 2014, pp-44) Designing: Designing is a crucial part of information system and information technology implementation within ARV, therefore, effective designing standards are mandatory in this case. Equipments: High standard and high quality equipments are necessary to be used in the implementation of information technology within healthcare sector in order to keep up the satisfactory measures of the patients within ARV (Icarehealth.com.au 2017). Installation: Every new technical system needs installation phase within it (Majchrzak et al. 2014). This stage is important to run information technology with respect to healthcare demands. Training: New system incorporation needs proper training of employees as well as management heads. This is effectively incorporated within the system architecture of ARV. Use of IT in the ARV Internal use of IT within ARV The internal use of information technology involves the employees, and management heads within the system architecture. Use of IT among physicians or employees of ARV: Employees and physicians are the biggest asset of this sector. The employees are the main collaborative element that connects the patient with the system architecture of the total process (Rivard and Aubert 2015). With respect to the Information technology, HRMS is one innovation of information technology that helps to manage the employee relation within the healthcare structure and keep the organizational members as well physicians satisfied involved in ARV (Icarehealth.com.au 2017). Therefore, in this way the information technology is helpful for the employees. Figure 2: Human Resource Management (Source: Schwalbe 2015, pp-91) Use of IT among management heads of ARV: Management team of this sector is considered as the effective monitoring and maintenance department (Webster 2014). Therefore, information system or information technology is helpful for this particular segment of people in solving the issues in an easy way in comparison with difficult manual processing. Some of these information systems are CRM system, ERP system, HRMS system etc. Most importantly, the project management team involved in the project implementation process was the best one in comparison with the system architecture of ARV (Icarehealth.com.au 2017). There were various improvements that was being incorporated with the help of the project implementation by the team, such as additional residential care, reduction of risks involved within the treatment process, improvement of transparency in clinical care to the patients. External use of IT The external use of information technology involves the suppliers and customers within the system architecture. Use of IT among Patients of ARV: The patients can easily find their reliable doctor or physicians with the help using mobile applications. In addition to this, the clinical set up provided by the physicians and additional participation of the project members involved in the software implementation process includes various extra benefits that helped the organization in achieving the effective position according to the patients concern. Figure 3: Mobile application (Source: Xiang et al. 2015, pp-244) Use of IT among Suppliers of ARV: Suppliers can easily find their dealers in the healthcare sector with the help of reliable applications based on information technology that helps to solve many issues of healthcare organization as well as reduces excessive cost. In addition to this, the software implementation within ARV helped the organization heads to make communication with their suppliers as well as dealers. Figure 4: Supplier Management (Source: Bilbao-Osorio et al. 2013, pp-33) Benefits of IT over ARV Information technology has involved so many benefits within the system-architecture healthcare sector. These benefits are being elaborated in this part of the report. Flexibility: Information technology has involved so many system-architecture within healthcare operations of ARV that has decreased the complexity of processes and increased the flexibility usages such as it reduced effective cost and reduced efforts. Therefore, this is one of the most effective benefits of IT. Revenue: As every improvised system, architecture has reduced the time used by manual processing, so the revenue is increasing (Button et al. 2014). This benefit allows ARV in achieving their competitive position in the target market. Cost effective measures: Information technology reduces the use of workforce like manual operations, therefore, the system architecture of ARV introduces less cost within the system architecture of medical care. Risks involved by IT within ARV Information technology has incorporated various benefits over the network of ARV but there are various disadvantages and risks within it. These risks incorporate losses within the system architecture of ARV for IT usages. These risks are being elaborated in this part of the report: Privacy: Privacy related aspects consider two individual such as patients and organization (Byrne et al. 2013). From both the ends, some data are entered into the medical data transaction within ARV. Hackers or unethical people track these data and misuse these for their own purposes. This is very effective risks for ARV during the implementation of information technology within their organizational structure that harms their confidentiality and patient satisfaction. Leakages of data, identity theft, data breaches are examples of risks associated with information technology within medical care processes. Security: Security is a great concern of the ARV heads. The management heads are mainly bothered about the organizational data security and patient information security (Dahlstrom et al. 2013). Identity thefts and other breaches that harm ARVs organizational structure as well as patients are mainly dealing with malicious a code that are transferred through information system and attacks the databases. This aspect is most effective disadvantage of information technology. Confidentiality: The utilization of cloud with the help of information technology introduces risks of data leakages within the system architecture of medical data transmission (Davenport 2013). In contrast with this fact, in most of the cases, the hackers and other malicious activists misuse the user data and organizational data. Confidential facts and information are revealed by the usage of information technology. Control and maintenance of IT within ARV Controlling and maintenance of Information Technology introduces various stages for managing the effectiveness of the information technology within ARV. These stages are being elaborated in this part of the assignment: Regular status checking of system: Regular status checking of the information system will be helpful in managing various issues evolving from that. Tracking and management of project risks: Tracking and managing risks associated with information technology implementation is helpful in resolving these risks (Dahlstrom et al. 2013). Change management: Change management is very necessary for ARV to be involved in automation with the help of information technology. Quality management: Quality management is one of the most important aspects that need to be managed by the medical care process within ARV, as the customers are only attracted to the quality of services or products. Conclusion Information technology is one of the most effective and innovative technological advancements that is providing various opportunities to different business cases. In addition to this, this report is considering the Healthcare in order to elaborate the importance of Information technology within this particular business sector. This report is considering the perspective of ARV, one healthcare organization that is implementing information technology in order to provide medical care to aged people. Therefore, various concerns for this particular organization is being elaborated in this report in order to provide effective impacts of IT within the healthcare sector. References Baskerville, R., Stage, J. and DeGross, J. eds., 2013.Organizational and Social Perspectives on Information Technology: IFIP TC8 WG8. 2 International Working Conference on the Social and Organizational Perspective on Research and Practice in Information Technology June 911, 2000, Aalborg, Denmark(Vol. 41). Springer. Bilbao-Osorio, B., Dutta, S. and Lanvin, B., 2013, April. The global information technology report 2013. InWorld Economic Forum(pp. 1-383). 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